Are you ready to take your business to the next level in 2024? If you’re tired of spending hours creating Instagram reels that fall flat, or pinning endlessly with little to no return – it’s time to learn how to make an impact with Pinterest keyword research and how creating a keyword vault can cut your Pinterest marketing time in half.

It’s no secret, Pinterest is a powerful search engine used by millions of people each year (465 million, to be precise*). By harnessing the power of Pinterest keyword research, you’re tapping into that search function, allowing you to easily extend the reach of your content and boost your conversion rates!

To help you with that, this week I’m sharing one of the biggest time-saving Pinterest hacks that I use daily for my Pinterest management clients.

So, let’s delve into how you can achieve more efficient, faster, and more profitable Pinterest marketing this year!

What is a Pinterest keyword vault?

A Pinterest keyword vault is your new secret weapon for Pinterest marketing success. At its core, it’s an indepth list of all of your brand keywords for Pinterest. I like to use Google Sheets, but you could use Google Docs, Trello, notes – whichever organisation method works best for you!

Think of it like Gringotts or Fort Knox, only, instead of storing magic treasures or a tonne of gold, it holds the key to effective Pinterest marketing.

When doing your Pinterest keyword research, there are a couple of things to bare in mind:

  • They should match your brand and the content you create. 
  • Pinterest keywords should be the same words and phrases your target audience is using when they search on Pinterest.

Why create a Pinterest keyword research vault?

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the need to do Pinterest keyword research every.single.time you’re creating pins?

It’s frustrating, isn’t it? And it can be quite a daunting thought, one that often puts people off using Pinterest all together!

I’ve seen it time and time again. When I ask people why they’re not using Pinterest consistently, it’s because they don’t know where to start. They have everything to do each time they sit down to do their content.

So here’s a challenge, or maybe even a Pinterest hack, for you…

Instead of waiting until you’re sitting down to do your Pinterest content and spending hours on Pinterest keyword research for that batch (and every batch that comes afterwards), set some time aside to sit down and do a load in one to create your very own Pinterest Keyword Vault… you can add to it frequently if new things pop up as you go.

Then next time you’re creating pins? All you need to do is refer back to your keyword vault where all the hard work has already been done!

How to create your Pinterest keyword vault:

The million dollar question – how do you create a vault with your Pinterest keyword research? Let’s break down my process of creating Pinterest Keyword vault’s for my clients: 

Define Your Audience

Perhaps the most important part of your Pinterest keyword research is knowing who you want to find you on Pinterest. If you don’t know who you’re targetting, how can you know what they’re searching for?

Brainstorm Your Pinterest Keywords

Once you know who you’re targetting, you can start brainstorming potential Pinterest keywords that are relevant to your niche and your audience’s interests/searches. If you have brand categories on your website that’s a great place to start.

Research And Verify

Now you’ve got a base for your Pinterest keyword research, use Pinterest to verify what words and phrases are being used. It’s ok thinking you know what your audience are using to search for content like yours but by varifying it within Pinterest,  you move from guessing to knowing.

Organise Your Pinterest Keywords Research

Organise your keywords in a way that makes sense to you and is easy to navigate. A well-structured list will save you time and keep your marketing efforts efficient. Like I said earlier, I prefer to use Google Sheets. If you have a way of staying organised that suits your work flow, run with it.

Implement Your Keywords

Now it’s time to put your keywords to work across your Pinterest profile! This is where the magic happens. When you put your Pinterest keyword research to work, and you get your audience targeting juuustt right… you could see results like this:

30 day analytics showing % growth when compared to the previous month.

The best thing about this is that, with your Pinterest Keyword Vault, every time you repurpose your content to Pinterest, be it a blog post, video, newsletter sign up or even a product, you can easily refer back to your premade keyword list to make sure your optimisation is on the right track. 

This process saves me and my clients hours on our Pinterest Marketing, and by consistently using the right keywords, you unlock the power of Pinterest’s search function, and draw in people who are actively searching for what you have to offer. Intentionally putting yourself in the right place, at the right time…

Take this for example. Imagine you’re a food blogger with an eBook focused on nutritious vegan meal prep. When someone runs a search for “vegan meal prep” or “simple vegan meal ideas,” Pinterest’s algorithm will identify your content as a relevant match and put your pins (or even your profile) in those search results. Pretty magic, huh?

Want a custom Pinterest Keyword Vault done for you?

If you’re a creative entrepreneur who wants to harness the power of effective Pinterest keyword research, but you don’t have the time to sit down and create the vault yourself –  My Pinterest account audit and optimisation service gives you all of that and more!

With this one-off service you’ll recieve:

  • A full account audit to pin point what’s working, and what isn’t
  • A multi-page Pinterest Keyword Vault custom to your brand and audience
  • Niche relevant trends list to help you stay ahead of the search trends
  • Complete account optimisation with updated Pinterest SEO
  • Pinterest board plan to help you continue to grow
  • Strategy advice to teach you how to use your keywords and newly optimised account!
  • 1 week free email support

Ready? You can find more details about this here, or, contact me with your questions!


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